“Brothers, Pray for us.”

- 1 Thessalonians 5:25 -

Our Current Petitions.

  • Preparation:

    Of James as he is creating around 100 sessions, planning the training, and preparing himself physically

    Of Jess being prepared physically and spiritually as she supports James, and they lead their little family into the glorious unknown

    Of James’s parents, Roger and Janet, as they are leaving their “retirement” behind to join the ministry and provide vital help and support in prayer, planning, logistics, and countless other ways yet to be seen

    Of THE MEN who will be trained. That God will begin to ready them and call them clearly

  • Provision:

    For the Property: God has led us to and definitively confirmed a specific property in the town of Alma, now we are just praying in the funds to purchase it.

    For the Finances: All of the money needed for this ministry will be prayed in, and there is much that will be needed, but nothing is too much for the Lord.

    For 501(c)(3) Approval: We are preparing to file our final forms with the IRS to receive our non-profit status. This is not only time consuming, but crucial to our next steps. We can ask the Lord for anything, so we are asking for the fastest approval in the history of 501(c)(3)s!

  • Relationships:

    With our realtor: We are excited for the testimony and opportunities for the Gospel the Lord is presenting in this process.

    With the town of Alma: There are only 300 residents in the town, and we are already feeling a burden for this place and a calling to it as a wonderful “secondary” mission field.

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