
The Etceteras is run and funded entirely by faith in the Lord’s provision and a firm belief in “how blessed it is to deal with God alone” (George Muller). We have no fundraisers, make no asks, and do not make our needs known to anyone but God.

Please, only give to this ministry as you are led by the Lord. Important tax information is included below.

Important Tax Information:

The Etceteras is a non-profit ministry, but we are currently still in the application process for our 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status.

This means that donations given will not be tax-exempt until or unless we receive our approval, at which point all donations will become retroactively tax-exempt. All donors who have given during this pre-approval period will be notified of the change once this takes place.

We are praying for and anticipating approval before the end of April.